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Thoughts and Prayers, a TP Book Club!

Posted by Trap Prayers on

We are so excited to connect with our Prayerville family and have a #DopeLitSaved discussion of Pastor Michael Todd's book Relationship Goals! For so many of us, we've taken the time some of this #StayAtHome time to reassess our goals, relationships, and toss our vision boards! The action was one of surrender! However, you may be a control freak (like me) and now you need to know what's next, whats the plan, and how should I proceed? As we dive into this book together, it's our hopes that the answers to all of your questions will become clear!  

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Get the May Daily Devotion!

Posted by Trap Prayers on

May is the month of God's Promises! Download and save the Trap Prayers Scripture Writing Plan and manifest God's promises for your life!

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