We are so excited to connect with our Prayerville family and have a #DopeLitSaved discussion of Pastor Michael Todd's book Relationship Goals! For so many of us, we've taken the time some of this #StayAtHome time to reassess our goals, relationships, and toss our vision boards! The action was one of surrender! However, you may be a control freak (like me) and now you need to know what's next, whats the plan, and how should I proceed? As we dive into this book together, it's our hopes that the answers to all of your questions will become clear! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZEpdeihqTstHtxxGlXzKRyyyFsGHygQ0x9S/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGtqjkrE9OVtx2PRpwMBojod_PwtmJagrdFhDjpOzp4UBrvL8RRFZpmF-mA