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The next door: A kingdom and coffee conversation

Posted by Trap Prayers on

If you’re like me, you have multiple types of friends. You have your fun friends, your ambitious friends, your ambitious friends, and then there are your warriors. They are the quintessential combination of being a person who can partner with you in prayer, promote you, prop you up when you’re sinking, and of course participate with you in fun times. It’s reciprocated. During a conversation with with my warrior, I was challenged to step out of my comfort zone by getting dressed up, go to a coffee shop, order for two because a guest would be joining me. My warrior noted that I would need to bring a journal and pen with me because this would be a conversation that would...

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Thought & Prayers: The Finale.

Posted by Trap Prayers on

We wrapped up our Thoughts & Prayers Book Club, a day ago. If I’m honest, I was sad for those zoom calls to conclude. Make Room, by Jonathan McReynolds, was an amazing read, but the time spent gathering together, even if it was virtually was a much needed weekly experience. For many of us who gathered, this gathering was more than opportunity to have discourse around a book, yet it was an opportunity to heal, share your growth and forecast for a greater future. Thank you to each of you who joined the calls each week. We look forward to doing it again with you in 2021.  I will Make Room and live #DopeLitSaved.   ~Rachel Elle   

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Friday’s with Tabitha Brown and Chance

Posted by Trap Prayers on

If you’ve ever wondered whether God hears the silent prayers you prayer. Trust me. He does and he answers. Our John 3:16 Tee was worn by Chance Brown. We have been fans of Tabitha Brown and her family for awhile, and to see our brand visible on their platform moved us to tears.  We were so grateful and honored to have so many of you join the #DopeLitSaved Movement!

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Dear Believer

Posted by Trap Prayers on

Dear Believer, Your work matters. The work that you create matters. Your life matters. You are important part of the kingdom. You were created for a time such as this. Never discount your value. God created you in his image and marveled at you as a masterpiece. He has never made a mistake or failed. Trust that everything in you, whether its a dream or vision, he has equipped you with the tools to accomplish it. You are God's child. Trust him. Believe him. Prosper. Move in faith. Live in faith. Wear your faith, by getting the Faith Trap Prayers Tee.

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